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Light for Life

Love Ghana has identified a lack of mains electricity as a cause of continuing poverty in the areas where we work. We are partnering with Creativenergie who have developed a sustainable solution for this problem.

Many rural communities in Ghana are off-grid and have very little access to electricity.  Villages are spending more than a quarter of their income on alkaline batteries and poor quality torches. 


Solar solutions offer a significant improvement but the initial cost is beyond most people.  Light for Life is a collaboration between Love Ghana and CreativEnergie

We are developing technology to provide solar charged batteries and quality torches at a lower cost than the current alkaline battery powered solutions. 


Long term, we hope to enable every house in a village to have their own solar solution.  In 2019 we brought a solar charging kit to the village of Have Tornu to trial some of the technology. 


In 2020 we will be setting up two solar kiosks in villages off-grid which will provide charging facilities for batteries and phones. 

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